I am now 19 weeks (almost halfway!!) and feel great. I feel "normal" most days and take full advantage of the days I have a lot of energy to clean house, do laundry, mow the yard, take the kids somewhere, etc.
My weight goal for this pregnancy was to NOT hit 200 lbs. I know you shouldn't be concerned with weight when you're creating a child inside, but I can't help it. After gaining 35 lbs. with my first and it taking nearly 4 years to get it off, I'd rather not have that issue again. I've always struggled with my weight as it is...I don't need any extra! So far, I'm right on track with where I want to be.
I won't bore you with anymore or that, just know that the baby is healthy and the doctor is not concerned with my weight gains or losses.
We also had a routine ultrasound today. Everything looks great! We don't know what it is, and we wanted it that way. We already have one of each and wanted this one to be a surprise. I have my feelings, but unless I talk to you personally on a daily basis, you won't know what those feelings are! :)

I guess that's all for now. I have some ideas about the direction I want to take with this blog in the near future, so be looking for some changes and if you like what you read...pass it along!