Well...we have entered yet another busy season in our lives. On Dec. 20th I returned to work full time and Ray began taking care of the girls and working from home during the day. It has been quite the adjustment, but we are hanging in there and adapting our routine every day until we find a good fit for our family. Unfortunately, my job has me in the car for 45 min. or so in the morning and nearly an hour on the way home, so that takes a lot of time away from the kids. I just keep telling myself that this is just a season and make the best of the time we do have together.
Ray's photography is growing by leaps and bounds. He will be shooting his first wedding in May and has had many amazing opportunities come his way. We are very optimistic about the future of our photography business.
Kyler is now 6 and has lost three teeth. Right now he has the cutest little hockey player smile with one tooth missing on the top. He is doing great in school and is reading above grade level! I am one proud momma. :)
Aaliyah just turned 4 and is still a princess. We are learning each day how to deal with a girl who has very sensitive feelings and a "slight" tendancy to overreact to simple situations.
Juliana is now 17 months and is showing a great personality. She is definitely going to be the life of the party! She is also the reason I am getting more and more gray hairs every day. She is the most strong-willed of all our children and also quite the daredevil. She will test us as parents, for sure.
I think that's all for now. We are all doing great and finally starting to settle into life with a working mom again. I will try to update more often, but we all know how many times I've said that in the last two years! ;)