has it really been that long since I blogged??? It's been nearly a month! So sorry! Not that I have
that many readers. :)
This will be random because a lot is happening (at least in my mind):
- been dealing with a lot of stuff in my mind lately. I started this blog to write my feelings out and work on expressing them a little better. Unfortunately, many of the things I've been working through don't belong on the web for all of eternity. I'm still dealing with inadequacy as a wife and mom and some self-esteem-type stuff. Really struggling with this season of my life.
- Have you heard that the economy sucks?? Sorry to put it so blunt. It does. At least I know that we aren't alone. There are a lot of people who are hurting financially much worse that we are. I am reminded of that constantly.
- I had a birthday. I was so excited to turn 30!! I wanted to have a party. I wanted to celebrate big and loud. Key words: wanted to. Unfortunately, I work evenings in retail. There is no night off between now and New Year's. No time to celebrate. No money to celebrate. So, just like every other birthday...it came and went. Not happy about it, but such is life.
- Thanksgiving was blah. It felt like any other day, but with a big meal thrown in. Still didn't get a nap...still had to go to work. Yeah, fun. :\
- Looking for ways to earn some more money without having to really work (isn't everyone?) So, ran across
this in a few blogs that I read. It looks good because I do a lot of searches on the internet during the day. Basically you earn points for searches and those add up to earn you gift cards. It's not much, but at least it's
something. Getting "paid" to do what I already do. If you're interested, you can click
here or I'm putting a banner on my sidebar you can click on.
- Finally, I discovered a
new blog today. I already LOVE it. This lady has two kids who are almost exactly the same age as mine (of course, she's pregnant and I AM NOT!) and is writing about the realities of life with little kids at home. Come to find out...it's not just me! So, if you're interested, I'm sure
Mom of Littles would love to have you visit!
I think that's all for now. I'll post again soon (hopefully).