"Aaliyah Gabrielle Princess!"

And she is. She is our princess. To be honest, I wasn't too excited about having a girl. Ray would rub my belly and talk about how spoiled she was going to be and how she would be his princess. I could only think about what happens when that spoiled little princess turns 13 (I was a middle school teacher, after all). What I didn't realize was how much having a girl would change me. I wanted to wear pretty clothes and look nice. I wanted my hair to look good. I cared about my appearance and wanted to wear....wait for it....PINK! *gasp*
*side note - before having a girl, I wouldn't be caught dead in pink and much preferred my blue jeans and t-shirts to "fashionable" clothes. I didn't care what people thought of my appearance, including my husband.
Aaliyah is our princess and my tomboy all wrapped up into one. She loves attention. She loves life. Give her happy music and she is content to dance all day long. She is the girl who wants to dress up in her pretty dresses and glitter shoes then go in the backyard and dig for worms in the dirt. She loves to color you pretty pictures (that are really just scribbles, but you get the point) and snuggle after her nap. She's hyper-sensitive to the moods that some music creates and will cry if it's too sad. She is silly and loves her brother with every fiber of her being.
She and I had a love/hate relationship at first. She loved to scream and I didn't like her very much. Despite our rough start, I feel more connected to her than I ever thought possible. My love for her runs deeper than I could have imagined. I am thankful for my baby doll...she will never know how much she changed me for the better.
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