Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Beautiful Fall Saturday

After Kyler's soccer game on Sat. we were going to go to the Pumpkin Patch again (with a working camera this time). The decision was made, however, that after the wonderful rain we had ALL day Friday, it would be too muddy and yucky. So...we went to my mom and dad's for lunch and caramel apples. Here are some pictures.

unwrapping the caramels

Aaliyah helped, too!

Kyler snuck a couple.

Look out! Here comes Daddy!

"Daddy! Get out of the caramels!!"

Ready for the stove.

Musical break

dipping the first apple

This is FUN!!!


Kyler and Grandma's handy work

Whew! I don't know about you, but that wore us out!

Enjoying the "fruit" of his labor!

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