Wednesday, August 27, 2008

God-ology - The Bible

I know, I's been a whole week since week 2 of God-ology and I haven't commented, yet. Well, it's been a crazy week with a yard sale thrown in, but I wanted to get this up before tonight's session.

We tackled some questions about the Bible last week:

Why should the Bible have authority in your life?
What makes it different than other religious books?
The Bible was written by humans. Doesn't that mean there are mistakes? How can we know it's truly from God? Aren't their opinions thrown in?

There are three words that we hear when talking about the Bible:

Revelation - God revealed, He has chosen to reveal Himself to us
Inspiration - the process by which He gave us the Bible
Illumination - the Holy Spirit's work of bringing light to the words of the Bible as we read them

One quote I grabbed, "People don't attack the Bible because it's open to attack...they attack the Bible because they don't want to be held accountable to what it says, they want to live life on their terms" (paraphrased)

I know this seems all over the place. I will try to do better after tonight's session!

1 comment:

Michael said...

"People don't attack the Bible because it's open to attack...they attack the Bible because they don't want to be held accountable to what it says, they want to live life on their terms"


This is something that I've always found to be true. The other big thing that I've noticed in decided un-believers is that they've been hurt by a church somewhere along the line. --more specifically, PEOPLE in the church. So, they have been hurt by fallen, incomplete people, and they are going to take it out on God and themselves. Brilliant!