The princess is going to be dethroned. At almost 9 months old, she is still not sleeping through the night and I'm about done with it. She started out a great sleeper. Sleeping 5-6 hours straight at 7 or 8 weeks. Then at about 4 months, it stopped. 5 months started sleeping again. 6 months...stopped...and hasn't looked back. NEVER had this problem with Kyler. He slept through the night at 5 1/2 months and has been a great sleeper ever since (except he comes in our bed in the middle of the night). I've decided to try a combination of methods. She's not a cry-it-out kinda girl (she just gets hysterical) and I'm not a no-cry kinda girl. Last night I finally had the strength to try and get her back to sleep without feeding her. At first I picked her up and held her until she was calm, then laid her down...she screamed...picked her back up and swayed...put her back down...she screamed...picked her back up and swayed and sang...put her back down...she screamed...(This cycle went on for about 30 minutes or so. There's not a clock in her room so I'm just guessing.)...finally laid her down and she seemed to stay calm like she was going to go back to sleep...ha, ha, ha...started least she's not screaming...leave room and let her cry...go back in after about 8 minutes...pick her up...sway...sing...lay down...cry...pick up...sway...lay down...wait, is she asleep...maybe...maybe...YES!
Finally after an hour she went to sleep. I was so proud that I was able to stay strong and not get angry. We'll see how tonight goes...keep you posted!
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